Magnetic and Electronic Structural Properties of the S3 State of Nature's Water Oxidizing Complex: A Combined Study in ELDOR- Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Simulation and Broken-Symmetry Density Functional Theory

Rogers, CJ; Hardwick, O; Corry, TA; Rummel, F; Collison, D; Bowen, AM; O'Malley, PJ

Bowen, AM; O'Malley, PJ (通讯作者),Univ Manchester, Sch Nat Sci, Dept Chem, Manchester M13 9PL, England.;Bowen, AM; O'Malley, PJ (通讯作者),Univ Manchester, Photon Sci Inst, Sch Nat Sci, Manchester M13 9PL, England.

ACS OMEGA, 2022; 7 (45): 41783