A database and deep learning toolbox for noise-optimized, generalized spike inference from calcium imaging

Rupprecht, P; Carta, S; Hoffmann, A; Echizen, M; Blot, A; Kwan, AC; Dan, Y; Hofer, SB; Kitamura, K; Helmchen, F; Friedrich, RW

Rupprecht, P; Helmchen, F (corresponding author), Univ Zurich, Brain Res Inst, Zurich, Switzerland.; Rupprecht, P; Friedrich, RW (corresponding author), Friedrich Miescher Inst Biomed Res, Basel, Switzerland.; Friedrich, RW (corresponding author), Univ Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

NATURE NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 24 (9): 1324


Rupprecht et al. compiled a large database of simultaneous electrophysiological and calcium recordings from the same neurons. An algorithm (termed CAS......

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