Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36

Pascual, G; Avgustinova, A; Mejetta, S; Martin, M; Castellanos, A; Attolini, CSO; Berenguer, A; Prats, N; Toll, A; Hueto, JA; Bescos, C; Di Croce, L; Benitah, SA

Benitah, SA (reprint author), BIST, Inst Res Biomed IRB Barcelona, Barcelona 08028, Spain.; Benitah, SA (reprint author), Catalan Inst Res & Adv Studies ICREA, Barcelona 08010, Spain.

NATURE, 2017; 541 (7635): 41


The fact that the identity of the cells that initiate metastasis in most human cancers is unknown hampers the development of antimetastatic therapies.......

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