Intra and inter-rater repeatability of brachial artery ultrasound estimates of flow-mediated slowing and flow-mediated dilation

Marôco, JL; Silvestre, T; Arrais, I; Pinto, M; Santa-Clara, H; Fernhall, B; Melo, X

Melo, X (通讯作者),Univ Lisbon, Fac Motricidade Humana, Ctr Interdisciplinar Estudo Performance Humana CIP, Oeiras, Portugal.;Melo, X (通讯作者),Egas Moniz Sch Hlth & Sci, Ctr Invest Interdisciplinar Egas Moniz CiiEM, Caparica, Almada, Portugal.

PLOS ONE, 2023; 18 (6):


Flow-mediated slowing (FMS) is a non-invasive measure of endothelial function measured through reactive hyperemia-induced changes in pulse wave veloci......

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