Leaky property of the Dyakonov-like wave at the surface of a semi-infinite metal-dielectric multilayered structure

Shih, PK; Hsiao, HH; Chang, HC

Chang, HC (reprint author), Natl Taiwan Univ, Grad Inst Photon & Optoelect, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.; Chang, HC (reprint author), Natl Taiwan Univ, Grad Inst Commun Engn, Taipei 10617, Taiwan.; Chang, HC (reprint author), Natl Taiwan Univ, Dept Elect Engn, T

OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018; 26 (12): 15559


We investigate the Dyakonov-like surface wave (DLSW) at the interface of a dielectric and a metal-dielectric multilayered (MDM) structure when this MD......

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