Proteomic analysis of three medically important Nigerian Naja (Naja haje, Naja katiensis and Naja nigricollis) snake venoms

Adamude, FA; Dingwoke, EJ; Abubakar, MS; Ibrahim, S; Mohamed, G; Klein, A; Sallau, AB

Dingwoke, EJ (corresponding author), Ahmadu Bello Univ, Venom Antivenom & Nat Toxins Res Ctr, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.; Dingwoke, EJ (corresponding author), Ahmadu Bello Univ, Dept Biochem, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

TOXICON, 2021; 197 (): 24


Proteomics technologies enable a comprehensive study of complex proteins and their functions. The venom proteomes of three medically important Nigeria......

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