The ALPINE-ALMA [CII] survey: Molecular gas budget in the early Universe as traced by [CII]

Dessauges-Zavadsky, M; Ginolfi, M; Pozzi, F; Bethermin, M; Le Fevre, O; Fujimoto, S; Silverman, JD; Jones, GC; Vallini, L; Schaerer, D; Faisst, AL; Khusanova, Y; Fudamoto, Y; Cassata, P; Loiacono, F; Capak, PL; Yan, L; Amorin, R; Bardelli, S; Boquien, M; Cimatti, A; Gruppioni, C; Hathi, NP; Ibar, E; Koekemoer, AM; Lemaux, BC; Narayanan, D; Oesch, PA; Rodighiero, G; Romano, M; Talia, M; Toft, S; Vergani, D; Zamorani, G; Zucca, E

Dessauges-Zavadsky, M (corresponding author), Univ Geneva, Observ Geneve, 51 Ch Maillettes, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland.



The molecular gas content of normal galaxies at z> 4 is poorly constrained because the commonly used molecular gas tracers become hard to detect at......

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