Vision, vision-specific functioning and mobility, and their relationship with clinically assessed cognitive impairment

Fenwick, EK; Gan, ATL; Man, REK; Gupta, P; Sabanayagam, C; Cheng, CY; Chen, CLH; Cheung, CY; Wong, KH; Venketasubramanian, N; Xu, X; Hilal, S; Chong, EJY; Tham, YC; Wong, TY; Lamoureux, EL

Lamoureux, EL (corresponding author), Academia, Singapore Eye Res Inst SERI, 20 Coll Rd,Lvl 6, Singapore 169856, Singapore.

AGE AND AGEING, 2021; 50 (4): 1236


Background: The relationship between self-reported visual disability and cognitive impairment in older individuals is unclear. Objective: To determine......

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