Mdm4 supports DNA replication in a p53-independent fashion

Wohlberedt, K; Klusmann, I; Derevyanko, PK; Henningsen, K; Choo, JAMY; Manzini, V; Magerhans, A; Giansanti, C; Eischen, CM; Jochemsen, AG; Dobbelstein, M

Dobbelstein, M (corresponding author), Univ Med Ctr Gottingen, Gottingen Ctr Mol Biosci GZMB, Inst Mol Oncol, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany.

ONCOGENE, 2020; 39 (25): 4828


The Mdm4 (alias MdmX) oncoprotein, like its paralogue and interaction partner Mdm2, antagonizes the tumor suppressor p53. p53-independent roles of the......

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