Sterically controlled mechanochemistry under hydrostatic pressure

Yan, H; Yang, F; Pan, D; Lin, Y; Hohman, JN; Solis-Ibarra, D; Li, FH; Dahl, JEP; Carlson, RMK; Tkachenko, BA; Fokin, AA; Schreiner, PR; Galli, G; Mao, WL; Shen, ZX; Melosh, NA

Melosh, NA (reprint author), Stanford Inst Mat & Energy Sci, SLAC Natl Accelerator Lab, Menlo Pk, CA 94025 USA.; Melosh, NA (reprint author), Stanford Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Stanford, CA 94305 USA.

NATURE, 2018; 554 (7693): 505


Mechanical stimuli can modify the energy landscape of chemical reactions and enable reaction pathways, offering a synthetic strategy that complements ......

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