Locally Lipschitz vector optimization problems: second-order constraint qualifications, regularity condition and KKT necessary optimality conditions

Xiao, YB; Tuyen, NV; Yao, JC; Wen, CF

Wen, CF (corresponding author), Kaohsiung Med Univ, Ctr Fundamental Sci, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan.; Wen, CF (corresponding author), Kaohsiung Med Univ, Res Ctr Nonlinear Anal & Optimizat, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan.; Wen, CF (corresponding author), Kaohsiung Med Univ Hosp, Dept Med Res, Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan.

POSITIVITY, 2020; 24 (2): 313


In the present paper, we are concerned with a class of constrained vector optimization problems, where the objective functions and active constraint f......

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