Ionic conduction mechanism in Ca-doped lanthanum oxychloride

Shitara, K; Kuwabara, A; Hibino, K; Fujii, K; Yashima, M; Hester, JR; Umeda, M; Nunotani, N; Imanaka, N

Shitara, K (corresponding author), Osaka Univ, Joint & Welding Res Inst, Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan.; Shitara, K (corresponding author), Japan Fine Ceram Ctr, Nanostruct Res Lab, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.

DALTON TRANSACTIONS, 2021; 50 (1): 151


The mechanism of ionic conduction in Ca-doped lanthanum oxychloride (LaOCl) was investigated using first-principles calculations based on density func......

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