Spatiotemporal distribution and variation of wind erosion over the Tibetan Plateau based on a coupled land-surface wind-erosion model

Jiang, YS; Gao, YH; He, CL; Liu, BL; Pan, YJ; Li, X

Gao, YH (corresponding author), Fudan Univ, Dept Atmospher & Ocean Sci, 2005 Songhu Rd, Shanghai 200438, Peoples R China.; Gao, YH (corresponding author), Fudan Univ, Inst Atmospher Sci, 2005 Songhu Rd, Shanghai 200438, Peoples R China.

AEOLIAN RESEARCH, 2021; 50 ():


Wind erosion has notable impacts on ecology, water supply and regional climate, but its distributions and longterm changes are still poorly quantified......

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