The Ubiquitinated Axon: Local Control of Axon Development and Function by Ubiquitin

Pinto, MJ; Tome, D; Almeida, RD

Pinto, MJ; Almeida, RD (corresponding author), Univ Coimbra, Ctr Neurosci & Cell Biol, P-3004504 Coimbra, Portugal.; Almeida, RD (corresponding author), Univ Aveiro, Inst Biomed, Dept Med Sci, P-3810193 Aveiro, Portugal.; Pinto, MJ (corresponding author), Paris Sci & Lettres Res Univ, CNRS, INSERM, Inst Biol,Ecole Normale Super, F-75005 Paris, France.

JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 2021; 41 (13): 2796


Ubiquitin tagging sets protein fate. With a wide range of possible patterns and reversibility, ubiquitination can assume many shapes to meet specific ......

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