Global Simulation and Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter and Microbial Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks Using the Microbial Decomposition Model ORCHIMIC v2.0

Huang, Y; Guenet, B; Wang, YL; Ciais, P

Huang, Y (corresponding author), East China Normal Univ, Sch Geog Sci, Minist Educ, Key Lab Geog Informat Sci, Shanghai, Peoples R China.; Huang, Y; Guenet, B (corresponding author), Univ Paris Saclay, Lab Sci Climat & Environm, CEA CNRS UVSQ, LSCE IPSL, Gif Sur Yvette, France.; Guenet, B (corresponding author), PSL Res Univ, CNRS, IPSL, Lab Geol,UMR 8538,Ecole Normale Super, Paris, France.



Soils contain the largest amount of land carbon, even a small change of this pool can significantly affect atmospheric CO2 and climate change. A good ......

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