Does mosquito mass-rearing produce an inferior mosquito?

Soma, DD; Maiga, H; Mamai, W; Bimbile-Somda, NS; Venter, N; Ali, AB; Yamada, H; Diabate, A; Fournet, F; Ouedraogo, GA; Lees, RS; Dabire, RK; Gilles, JRL

Soma, DD (reprint author), Ctr Muraz, Inst Rech Sci Sante, BP 545, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.; Soma, DD; Gilles, JRL (reprint author), Joint FAO IAEA Div Nucl Tech Food & Agr, Insect Pest Control Lab, Vienna, Austria.; Soma, DD (reprint author), Univ N

MALARIA JOURNAL, 2017; 16 ( ):


Background: The success of the sterile insect technique depends, among other things, on continuous releases of sexually competitive sterile males with......

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