A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems

Combemale, B; Kienzle, J; Mussbacher, G; Ali, H; Amyot, D; Bagherzadeh, M; Batot, E; Bencomo, N; Benni, B; Bruel, JM; Cabot, J; Cheng, BHC; Collet, P; Engels, G; Heinrich, R; Jezequel, JM; Koziolek, A; Mosser, S; Reussner, R; Sahraoui, H; Saini, R; Sallou, J; Stinckwich, S; Syriani, E; Wimmer, M

Combemale, B (corresponding author), Univ Toulouse, Software Engn, F-35042 Toulouse, France.; Combemale, B (corresponding author), INRIA, Paris, France.

IEEE SOFTWARE, 2021; 38 (4): 71


The models and data framework demystifies the different roles that models and data play in software development and operation and clarifies where mach......

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