Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering data for Ruddlesden-Popper and reduced Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates

Fabbris, G; Meyers, D; Shen, Y; Bisogni, V; Zhang, J; Mitchell, JF; Norman, MR; Johnston, S; Feng, J; Chiuzbaian, GS; Nicolaou, A; Jaouen, N; Dean, MPM

Fabbris, G; Dean, MPM (通讯作者),Brookhaven Natl Lab, Condensed Matter Phys & Mat Sci Dept, Upton, NY 11973 USA.;Fabbris, G (通讯作者),Argonne Natl Lab, Adv Photon Source, Lemont, IL 60439 USA.

SCIENTIFIC DATA, 2023; 10 (1):


Ruddlesden-Popper and reduced Ruddlesden-Popper nickelates are intriguing candidates for mimicking the properties of high-temperature superconducting ......

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