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Modelling the abundance of an endangered medicinal species, Phellodendron amurense: generalised linear model vs. generalised additive model

期刊: BOTANICA SERBICA, 2018; 42 (2)

Study of relations between medicinal plant species and the environment is important in plant ecology and for conservation of medicinal plants. The gen......

The effects of functional microbial agents on the soil microbial communities of high-frigid grassland under desertification in Northwest Sichuan

期刊: BOTANICA SERBICA, 2022; 46 (2)

Grassland desertification seriously destroys the structure of the soil microbi-al communities and further accelerates the deterioration of grassland. ......

Prokaryotic expression and solubilisation of Arabidopsis ROOT UVB SENSITIVE 1 from inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli

期刊: BOTANICA SERBICA, 2022; 46 (1)

The RUS (ROOT UVB SENSITIVE 1) proteins characterized by their unique DUF647 domain are widely distributed in eukaryotes. Their functional roles are l......

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