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Foxl2 is required for the initiation of the female pathway in a temperature-dependent sex determination system in Trachemys scripta

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (13)

KDM6B-mediated epigenetic modification of the testicular regulator Dmrtl has previously been identified as the primary switch of the male pathway in a......


FOXP4 differentially controls cold-induced beige adipocyte differentiation and thermogenesis

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (7)

Beige adipocytes have a discrete developmental origin and possess notable plasticity in their thermogenic capacity in response to various environmenta......


Presenilin enhancer 2 is crucial for the transition of apical progenitors into neurons but into not basal progenitors in the developing hippocampus

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (10)

Recent evidence has shown that presenilin enhancer 2 (Pen2; Psenen) plays an essential role in corticogenesis by regulating the switch of apical proge......


Csf1rb regulates definitive hematopoiesis in zebrafish

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (16)

In vertebrates, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are capable of self-renewal and continuously replenishing all mature blood lineages th......


The Hox gene Antennapedia is essential for wing development in insects

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (2)

A long-standing view in the field of evo-devo is that insect forewings develop without any Hox gene input. The Hox gene Antennapedia (Antp), despite b......


LONP1-mediated mitochondrial quality control safeguards metabolic shifts in heart development

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (6)

The mitochondrial matrix AAA(+) Lon protease (LONP1) degrades misfolded or unassembled proteins, which play a pivotal role in mitochondrial quality co......


Chemokine signaling synchronizes angioblast proliferation and differentiation during pharyngeal arch artery vasculogenesis

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (23)

Developmentally, the great vessels of the heart originate from the pharyngeal arch arteries (PAAs). During PAA vasculogenesis, PAA precursors undergo ......


An essential function for autocrine hedgehog signaling in epithelial proliferation and differentiation in the trachea

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (3)

The tracheal epithelium is a primary target for pulmonary diseases as it provides a conduit for air flow between the environment and the lung lobes. T......


Kinesin motor KIFC1 is required for tubulin acetylation and actin-dependent spindle migration in mouse oocyte meiosis

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (5)

Mammalian oocyte maturation is a unique asymmetric division, which is mainly because of actin-based spindle migration to the cortex. In the present st......


The functional specificity of ERECTA-family receptors in Arabidopsis stomatal development is ensured by molecular chaperones in the endoplasmic reticulum

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (17)

Stomata are epidermal pores that control gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere. In Arabidopsis, the ERECTA family (ERECTAf) receptors, includ......


Dhx38 is required for the maintenance and differentiation of erythro-myeloid progenitors and hematopoietic stem cells by alternative splicing

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (17)

Mutations that occur in RNA-splicing machinery may contribute to hematopoiesis-related diseases. How splicing factor mutations perturb hematopoiesis, ......


Nrf2 dictates the neuronal survival and differentiation of embryonic zebrafish harboring compromised alanyl-tRNA synthetase

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (17)

tRNA synthetase deficiency leads to unfolded protein responses in neuronal disorders; however, its function in embryonic neurogenesis remains unclear.......


Phytochrome-interacting factors orchestrate hypocotyl adventitious root initiation in Arabidopsis

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (10)

Adventitious roots (ARs) are an important type of plant root and display high phenotypic plasticity in response to different environmental stimuli. It......


PPP4C facilitates homologous recombination DNA repair by dephosphorylating PLK1 during early embryo development

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (10)

Mammalian early embryo cells have complex DNA repair mechanisms to maintain genomic integrity, and homologous recombination (HR) plays the main role i......


Brain vascular damage-induced lymphatic ingrowth is directed by Cxcl12b/Cxcr4a

期刊: DEVELOPMENT, 2022; 149 (13)

After ischemic stroke, promotion of vascular regeneration without causing uncontrolled vessel growth appears to be the major challenge for pro-angioge......


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