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The eigen higher criticism and eigen Berk-Jones tests for multiple trait association studies based on GWAS summary statistics

期刊: GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2022; 46 (2)

In this article, we propose the eigen higher criticism and the eigen Berk-Jones testing procedures to test the association between a single genetic va......


Analysis of parent-of-origin effects for secondary phenotypes using case-control mother-child pair data

期刊: GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2022; 46 (7)

The detection of parent-of-origin effects (POEs) has become a research focus in genetic association studies since POEs play an important role in expla......


A two-sample robust Bayesian Mendelian Randomization method accounting for linkage disequilibrium and idiosyncratic pleiotropy with applications to the COVID-19 outcomes

期刊: GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2022; 46 (3-4)

Mendelian randomization (MR) is a statistical method exploiting genetic variants as instrumental variables to estimate the causal effect of modifiable......


Identifying genetic risk variants associated with brain volumetric phenotypes via K-sample Ball Divergence method

期刊: GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY, 2021; 45 (7)

Regional human brain volumes including total area, average thickness, and total volume are heritable and associated with neurological disorders. Howev......

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