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Improved Horvitz-Thompson estimator in survey sampling

期刊: SURVEY METHODOLOGY, 2019; 45 (1)

The Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimator is widely used in survey sampling. However, the variance of the HT estimator becomes large when the inclusion prob......


Small area quantile estimation via spline regression and empirical likelihood

期刊: SURVEY METHODOLOGY, 2019; 45 (1)

This paper studies small area quantile estimation under a unit level non-parametric nested-error regression model. We assume the small area specific e......


Bayesian small area demography

期刊: SURVEY METHODOLOGY, 2019; 45 (1)

Demographers are facing increasing pressure to disaggregate their estimates and forecasts by characteristics such as region, ethnicity, and income. Tr......


Conditional calibration and the sage statistician

期刊: SURVEY METHODOLOGY, 2019; 45 (2)

Being a calibrated statistician means using procedures that in long-run practice basically follow the guidelines of Neyman's approach to frequentist i......


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