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Effects of mixed application of green manure with phosphate fertilizer on soil enzyme activity at a manure microsite

期刊: AGROCHIMICA, 2020; 64 (1)

An incubation experiment was conducted to understand the response of the soil enzyme activity at a manure microsite to green manure (GM) application a......

Evaluation of the effects of different fertilization modes on black soil fertility in China based on principal component and cluster analysis

期刊: AGROCHIMICA, 2020; 64 (2)

Through the analysis of the physical, chemical and biological properties of a black soil under different fertilization modes, thirteen quantitative fa......

Effects of application of microbial and organic fertilizer on soil fertility and crop yield of a black soil in China

期刊: AGROCHIMICA, 2020; 64 (3)

To address the degradation of soil quality and yield decline of black soil, five treatments with different proportions of microbial and organic fertil......

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