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Diagnostic procedures & practices in drug allergy/hypersensitivity: a survey of 13 Asian countries

期刊: ASIA PACIFIC ALLERGY, 2020; 10 (4)

Background: The issues and challenges in the diagnosis of drug allergy/hypersensitivity among children and adults in Asia are likely to be different f......

Drug hypersensitivity reactions in Asia: regional issues and challenges

期刊: ASIA PACIFIC ALLERGY, 2020; 10 (1)

There are geographical, regional, and ethnic differences in the phenotypes and endotypes of patients with drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) in di......

Asia Pacific Association of Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology White Paper 2020 on climate change, air pollution, and biodiversity in Asia-Pacific and impact on allergic diseases

期刊: ASIA PACIFIC ALLERGY, 2020; 10 (1)

Air pollution, climate change, and reduced biodiversity are major threats to human health with detrimental effects on a variety of chronic noncommunic......

Differences in omega-5-gliadin allergy: East versus West

期刊: ASIA PACIFIC ALLERGY, 2020; 10 (1)

Background: Omega-5-gliadin (O5G) allergy, also known as wheat-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis, is commonly reported in the Western, but not As......

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