Weathering represents severe destruction to outdoor cultural rock heritages. In the process, biological weathering caused by microorganisms is known t......
Brand serves as a useful tool in the management of protected areas, and widely applied in World Natural Heritage (WNH) protection around the world. Us......
Urban geoheritage sites are vulnerable to anthropogenic pressure linked to urbanisation. To understand the necessity of conservation of the geological......
As a nonrenewable resource, geological heritage landscapes are formed in the process of geological processes. The fragility of the landscape is mainly......
Tourism carrying capacity (TCC) is a measure of the optimum use level of visitors who can use a site without creating environmental degradation. This ......
This exploratory study investigates contested narratives of dark tourists by focusing on their travel motivations and multi-dimensional visitor experi......
Luochuan Loess National Geopark does not only have a scientific research value regarding loess stratigraphy but also an ornamental value for its loess......
Karamay city in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, northwest China, has a developed petroleum industry and has many geosites of high educational and sc......
The protection of geoheritage, popularization of geoscience, sustainable development of local society, and economic growth are the most important reas......
Mt. Huangshan was ratified as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site and UNESCO Global Geopark in 1990 and 2004, respectively. The Huangshan UNESC......
The Pliocene to Quaternary small-volume monogenetic volcanic field of the Arxan-Chaihe Volcanic Field (ACVF) hosts some typical volcanic landforms ass......