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Conspecific odor cues induce different vocal responses in serrate-legged small treefrogs, but only in the absence of acoustic signals

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background Signal detection is crucial to survival and successful reproduction, and animals often modify behavioral decisions based on information the......

Noise constrains the evolution of call frequency contours in flowing water frogs: a comparative analysis in two clades

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background The acoustic adaptation hypothesis (AAH) states that signals should evolve towards an optimal transmission of the intended information from......

Social calls influence the foraging behavior in wild big-footed myotis

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background: Why a variety of social animals emit foraging-associated calls during group foraging remains an open question. These vocalizations may be ......

Population genomics reveal rapid genetic differentiation in a recently invasive population of Rattus norvegicus

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background Invasive species bring a serious effect on local biodiversity, ecosystems, and even human health and safety. Although the genetic signature......

Combining the responses of habitat suitability and connectivity to climate change for an East Asian endemic frog

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background Understanding the impacts of past and contemporary climate change on biodiversity is critical for effective conservation. Amphibians have w......

Rosaceae, Brassicaceae and pollen beetles: exploring relationships and evolution in an anthophilous beetle lineage (Nitidulidae, Meligethes-complex of genera) using an integrative approach

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2021; 18 (1)

Background Meligethes are pollen-beetles associated with flowers of Rosaceae as larvae. This genus currently consists of 63 known species in two subge......

Remarkable metabolic reorganization and altered metabolic requirements in frog metamorphic climax

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Metamorphic climax is the crucial stage of amphibian metamorphosis responsible for the morphological and functional changes necessary for t......

Whole-genome sequencing of Tarim red deer (Cervus elaphus yarkandensis) reveals demographic history and adaptations to an arid-desert environment

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background The initiation of desert conditions in the Tarim Basin in China since the late Miocene has led to the significant genetic structuring of lo......

Correlation of skull morphology and bite force in a bird-eating bat (Ia io; Vespertilionidae)

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Genetic and ecological factors influence morphology, and morphology is compatible with function. The morphology and bite performance of sku......

Transcriptome analysis of the response provided by Lasiopodomys mandarinus to severe hypoxia includes enhancing DNA repair and damage prevention

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Severe hypoxia induces a series of stress responses in mammals; however, subterranean rodents have evolved several adaptation mechanisms of......

Full-length transcriptome sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis to uncover genes involved in early gametogenesis in the gonads of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrenckii)

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Sturgeons (Acipenseriformes) are polyploid chondrostean fish that constitute an important model species for studying development and evolut......

Model eggs fail to detect egg recognition in host populations after brood parasitism is relaxed

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Obligate brood parasites exert strong selective pressure on target hosts. In response, hosts typically evolve anti-parasitism strategies, o......

Gut transcriptomic changes during hibernation in the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background The gut is the major organ for nutrient absorption and immune response in the body of animals. Although effects of fasting on the gut funct......

Female northern grass lizards judge mates by body shape to reinforce local adaptation

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background Identifying the factors that contribute to divergence among populations in mate preferences is important for understanding of the manner in......

Gut microbiota composition and metabolomic profiles of wild and captive Chinese monals (Lophophorus lhuysii)

期刊: FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY, 2020; 17 (1)

Background The Chinese monal (Lophophorus lhuysii) is an endangered bird species, with a wild population restricted to the mountains in southwest Chin......

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