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Powerful Identification of Large Quantitative Trait Loci Using Genome-Wide R/glmnet-Based Regression

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2022; 113 (4)

R/glmnet has been successfully applied to jointly mapped multiple quantitative trait loci for linkage analysis, along with statistical inference for q......


CRISPR Knockouts of pmela and pmelb Engineered a Golden Tilapia by Regulating Relative Pigment Cell Abundance

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2022; 113 (4)

Premelanosome protein (pmel) is a key gene for melanogenesis. Mutations in this gene are responsible for white plumage in chicken, but its role in pig......


Inheritance and QTL Mapping for Flower Color in Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2022; 113 (3)

Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge is an outcross-pollinated plant with diverse flower colors, ranging from white to purple. To clarify the genetic basis of S.......


Ultracontinuous Single Haplotype Genome Assemblies for the Domestic Cat (Felis catus) and Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2021; 112 (2)

In addition to including one of the most popular companion animals, species from the cat family Felidae serve as a powerful system for genetic analysi......

Genome Assembly of Salicaceae Populus deltoides (Eastern Cottonwood) I-69 Based on Nanopore Sequencing and Hi-C Technologies

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2021; 112 (3)

Populus deltoides has important ecological and economic values, widely used in poplar breeding programs due to its superior characteristics such as ra......

Limited Evidence for Parallel Evolution Among Desert-Adapted Peromyscus Deer Mice

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2021; 112 (3)

Warming climate and increasing desertification urge the identification of genes involved in heat and dehydration tolerance to better inform and target......

An Annotated Draft Genome for the Andean Bear, Tremarctos ornatus

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2021; 112 (4)

The Andean bear is the only extant member of theTremarctine subfamily and the only extant ursid species to inhabit South America. Here, we present an ......

Nile Tilapia: A Model for Studying Teleost Color Patterns

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2021; 112 (5)

The diverse color patterns of cichlid fishes play an important role in mate choice and speciation. Here we develop the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nilot......

High-Quality SNP Linkage Maps Improved QTL Mapping and Genome Assembly in Populus

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2020; 111 (6)

With the advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies and the development of new software for extracting single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)......

Genomic Organization and Phylogeny of MHC Class II Loci in Cetaceans

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2019; 110 (3)

Cetaceans are a suborder of secondarily adapted aquatic mammals with an enigmatic history involving a transition from land to sea approximately 55 Mya......


Sorting Out the Genetic Background of the Last Surviving South China Tigers

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2019; 110 (6)

The South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis) is endemic to China and also the most critically endangered subspecies of living tigers. It is consi......


Genetic Mapping with Background Control for Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) in 8-Parental Pure-Line Populations

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2019; 110 (7)

Multiparental advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations provide abundant genetic variation for use in plant genetics and breeding. In this st......


Range-Wide Snow Leopard Phylogeography Supports Three Subspecies

期刊: JOURNAL OF HEREDITY, 2017; 108 (6)

The snow leopard, Panthera uncia, is an elusive high-altitude specialist that inhabits vast, inaccessible habitat across Asia. We conducted the first ......


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