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Molecular Phylogeny and Dating Reveal a Terrestrial Origin in the Early Carboniferous for Ascaridoid Nematodes

期刊: SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 2018; 67 (5)

Ascaridoids are among the commonest groups of zooparasitic nematodes (roundworms) and occur in the alimentary canal of all major vertebrate groups, in......


Comparison of Methods for Molecular Species Delimitation Across a Range of Speciation Scenarios

期刊: SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 2018; 67 (5)

Species are fundamental units in biological research and can be defined on the basis of various operational criteria. There has been growing use of mo......


Construction of a Species-Level Tree of Life for the Insects and Utility in Taxonomic Profiling

期刊: SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 2017; 66 (3)

Although comprehensive phylogenies have proven an invaluable tool in ecology and evolution, their construction is made increasingly challenging both b......


Maximum Likelihood Implementation of an Isolation-with-Migration Model for Three Species

期刊: SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 2017; 66 (3)

We develop a maximum likelihood (ML) method for estimating migration rates between species using genomic sequence data. A species tree is used to acco......


Extinction vs. Rapid Radiation: The Juxtaposed Evolutionary Histories of Coelotine Spiders Support the Eocene-Oligocene Orogenesis of the Tibetan Plateau

期刊: SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY, 2017; 66 (6)

Evolutionary biology has long been concerned with how changing environments affect and drive the spatiotemporal development of organisms. Coelotine sp......


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