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Conodonts from the mid-Carboniferous boundary GSSP at Arrow Canyon, Nevada, USA

期刊: MICROPALEONTOLOGY, 2019; 65 (2)

The Global Stratotype Section and Point of the mid-Carboniferous boundary was selected in the Arrow Canyon section within the lower Bird Spring Format......


Recent deep-sea ostracods of the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean

期刊: MICROPALEONTOLOGY, 2022; 68 (3)

Presented here is an illustrated checklist of benthic marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) recorded from Recent surface sediments of the sub-polar North Atlan......


Poseidonamicus (Ostracoda) from the North Atlantic Ocean

期刊: MICROPALEONTOLOGY, 2022; 68 (3)

Poseidonamicus is one of the most intensively studied genera among marine fossil ostracods due to its common occurrence in the world deep oceans and i......


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