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The Even Part of Finite-Dimensional Modular Lie Superalgebra Gamma

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

Let F be the underlying base field of characteristic p>3 and denote by Gamma(0) over bar the even part of the finite-dimensional Lie superalgebra G......

Cohomology of Lie Conformal Algebra Vir (sic) Cur g

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

In this article, we compute cohomology groups of the semisimple Lie conformal algebra S = Vir (sic) Cur g with coefficients in its irreducible modules......

Modules of the Intermediate Series over Not-finitely Graded Lie Algebras W(Gamma)

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

Let W(Gamma) be a class of not-finitely graded Lie algebras related to generalized Virasoro algebras with basis {L alpha,i,C vertical bar alpha is an ......

On Symmetric Cayley Graphs of Valency Eleven

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

A Cayley graph Gamma = Cay(G,S) is said to be normal if G is normal in Aut Gamma. In this paper, we investigate the normality problem of the connected......

A Property Satisfying Reducedness over Centers

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

This article concerns a ring property called pseudo-reduced-over-center that is satisfied by free algebras over commutative reduced rings. The propert......

Ideals of Finite-Dimensional Pointed Hopf Algebras of Rank One

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

Let H be a finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebra of rank one over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In this paper we show that a......

Maximal Subgroups in the Classical Groups Normalizing Solvable Subgroups

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

Let G be a classical group over an arbitrary field F, acting on an n-dimensional F-space V=V(n,F). All those maximal subgroups of G are classified eac......

The Spectrum and Automorphism Group of the Set-Inclusion Graph

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

Let n, k and l be integers with 1 <= k<= n-1. The set-inclusion graph G(n,k,l) is the graph whose vertex set consists of all k- and l-subsets of......

Gorenstein-Projective Modules over Morita Rings

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

Let Delta((phi,psi)) = (A N-A(B) M-B(A) B) be a Morita ring which is an Artin algebra. In this paper we investigate the relations between the Gorenste......

Algebraic Properties of Edge Ideals of Some Vertex-Weighted Oriented Cyclic Graphs

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

We provide some exact formulas for the projective dimension and regularity of edge ideals associated to some vertex-weighted oriented cyclic graphs wi......

Finite Rings Whose Graphs Have Clique Number Less than Five

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

Let R be a commutative ring and Gamma(R) be its zero-divisor graph. We completely determine the structure of all finite commutative rings whose zero-d......

Links Between HX-Groups and Hypergroups

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

The concept of an HX-group is an upgrade of the concept of a group, in which a new operation is defined on the family of non-empty subsets of a group.......

Heptavalent Symmetric Graphs with Certain Conditions

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

A graph Gamma is said to be symmetric if its automorphism group Aut(Gamma) acts transitively on the arc set of Gamma. We show that if Gamma is a finit......

Schubert Class and Cyclotomic NilHecke Algebras

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (03)

Let l and n be positive integers such that l >= n, and let G(n,l) be the Grassmannian which consists of the set of n-dimensional subspaces of C-l. ......

A Curious Identity on Multiple Sums over Fields with Applications

期刊: ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, 2021; 28 (02)

Let F be a field, and let e,k be integers such that 1 <= e <= vertical bar F\{0}vertical bar and k >= 0. We show that for any subset {a(1), .......

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