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Gene therapy to cure HIV infection

期刊: VIROLOGIE, 2023; 27 (5)

To date, the only intervention that has cured HIV infection has been bone marrow transplants from HIV-resistant donors to HIV-infected recipients. Thi......

Monkeypox virus: emerging of an old neglected virus

期刊: VIROLOGIE, 2023; 27 (1)

Since April 2022, cases of simian orthopoxvirosis (commonly known as monkeypox) have been reported in more than hundred non-endemic countries. The cau......

Animal enteroviruses: a glimpse of a wide evolutionary landscape

期刊: VIROLOGIE, 2023; 27 (3)

The genus Enterovirus (family Picornaviridae) contains numerous viruses, most of which have been identified in humans. Among them, the three serotypes......

2C protein of Enterovirus: key protein of viral replication and antiviral target

期刊: VIROLOGIE, 2023; 27 (3)

Enteroviruses (EVs) include many human pathogens of increasing public health concern. These EVs are often associated with mild clinical manifestations......

Emergence of epizootic hemorrhagic disease in Europe

期刊: VIROLOGIE, 2023; 27 (1)

Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is a non-contagious arthropod-borne disease transmitted by blood-sucking midges of the genus Culicoides. It affect......

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