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Examining the engram encoding specificity hypothesis in mice

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (11)

According to the encoding specificity hypothesis, memory is best recalled by retrieval cues that overlap with training cues. Human studies generally s......

Mice identify subgoal locations through an action-driven mapping process

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (12)

Mammals form mental maps of the environments by exploring their surroundings. Here, we investigate which elements of exploration are important for thi......

Non-coding RNA in the wiring and remodeling of neural circuits

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (14)

The brain constantly adapts to changes in the environment, a capability that underlies memory and behavior. Long-term adaptations require the remodeli......

Interoception: Probing internal state is inherent to perception and cognition

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (12)

Interoception, i.e. the perception of the organism physiological state, jointly operates with perception and cognition, including when homeostatic bal......

Representation and control of pain and itch by distinct prefrontal neural ensembles

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (15)

Pain and itch are two closely related but essentially distinct sensations that elicit different behavioral responses. However, it remains mysterious h......

Hanan Salam

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (21)

An AI and robotics researcher, and an entrepreneur, Hanan Salam tells Neuron about her work on Artificial Social Intelligence and experience as the co......

Causal role of a neural system for separating and selecting multidimensional social cognitive information

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (7)

People are multi-faceted, typically good at some things but bad at others, and a critical aspect of social judgement is the ability to focus on those ......

BMI 2.0: Toward a technological interface with brainwide networks

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (11)

The field of brain machine interface has long sought a technology for brainwide interaction. In this issue of Neuron, Kim et al.(1) present a novel me......

Brainstem circuits help zebrafish get into the swim of things

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (3)

In this issue of Neuron, Berg et al.1 investigate the functional contribution of two molecularly distinct subpop-ulations of spinal-projecting midbrai......

Q&A Wolf Singer

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (7)

Wolf Singer has long been interested in neural dynamics, synchrony, and temporal codes. On his 80th birthday, he talks with Neuron about his seminal c......

Remyelination by surviving oligodendrocytes is inefficient in the inflamed mammalian cortex

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (11)

In multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory attack results in myelin loss, which can be partially reversed by remye-lination. Recent studies suggest that m......

Differential and substrate-specific inhibition of γ-secretase by the C-terminal region of ApoE2, ApoE3, and ApoE4

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (12)

Aberrant low y-secretase activity is associated with most of the presenilin mutations that underlie familial Alz-heimer's disease (fAD). However, the ......

Early molecular layer interneuron hyperactivity triggers Purkinje neuron degeneration in SCA1

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (16)

Toxic proteinaceous deposits and alterations in excitability and activity levels characterize vulnerable neuronal populations in neurodegenerative dis......

A common thalamic hub for general and defensive arousal control

期刊: NEURON, 2023; 111 (20)

The expression of defensive responses to alerting sensory cues requires both general arousal and a specific arousal state associated with defensive em......

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