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Speech-Encoding Deficits in Neonates Born Large-for-Gestational Age as Revealed With the Envelope Frequency-Following Response

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (4)

Objectives:The present envelope frequency-following response (FFRENV) study aimed at characterizing the neural encoding of the fundamental frequency o......

Effect of Real-Ear Adjusted Stimuli on Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential Variability in Children and Young Adults

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (4)

Objectives:There is large variability in cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential (c- and oVEMP) amplitudes. One potential source of v......

Characteristics of the Summating Potential Measured Across a Cochlear Implant Array as an Indicator of Cochlear Function

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (5)

Objectives:The underlying state of cochlear and neural tissue function is known to affect postoperative speech perception following cochlear implantat......

Benefits of Text Supplementation on Sentence Recognition and Subjective Ratings With and Without Facial Cues for Listeners With Normal Hearing

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (4)

Objectives:Recognizing speech through telecommunication can be challenging in unfavorable listening conditions. Text supplementation or provision of f......

Effectiveness of Kurtosis-Adjusted Cumulative Noise Exposure in Assessing Occupational Hearing Loss Associated With Complex Noise

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (4)

Objectives:Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most prevalent occupational diseases worldwide. Few studies have been reported......

Comparing the Outcomes of a Personalized Versus Nonpersonalized Home-Based Auditory Training Program for Cochlear Implant Users

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (3)

Objectives: Audiological rehabilitation includes sensory management, auditory training (AT), and counseling and can alleviate the negative consequence......

Evaluation of the Benefits of Bilateral Fitting in Bone-Anchored Hearing System Users: Spatial Resolution and Memory for Speech

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (3)

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the benefits of bilateral implantation for bone-anchored hearing system (BAHS) users in terms of......

Subjective Impact of Age-Related Hearing Loss Is Worse for Those Who Routinely Experience Boredom and Failures of Attention

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (1)

Objectives:Despite extensive evidence supporting the benefits of hearing treatments for individuals affected by hearing loss, many leave their hearing......

Cochlear Implants or Hearing Aids: Speech Perception, Language, and Executive Function Outcomes

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (2)

Objectives:We aimed to determine whether children with severe hearing loss (HL) who use hearing aids (HAs) may experience added value in the perceptio......

Toward a Listening Training Paradigm: Evaluation in Normal-Hearing Young and Middle-Aged Adults

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (5)

Objectives:Adults' most common complaint relates to understanding speech in noisy environments. Hearing aids can compensate for sensory loss but do no......

The Vestibular Time Constant and Clinical Response to Antimotion Sickness Medication

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (6)

Objective: The therapeutic effects of antimotion sickness medications involve suppression of several components along the vestibular system. Scopolami......

Vestibular Infant Screening-Flanders: What is the Most Appropriate Vestibular Screening Tool in Hearing-Impaired Children?

期刊: EAR AND HEARING, 2023; 44 (2)

Objectives:As children with sensorineural hearing loss have an increased risk for vestibular impairment, the Vestibular Infant Screening-Flanders proj......

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