
2012-06-07 不详 网络

圣迭戈(EGMN)——根据美国一家中心对76~85岁老年人结肠镜操作的回顾结果,既往从未接受过结肠镜筛查的老年患者结直肠癌患病率很高,并且如果患者健康、身体功能良好且预期寿命不少于7年,则筛查可能有益。    “美国预防服务工作组(USPSTF)认为,结肠镜筛查的益处要在大约7年后方可显现,如果你认为患者预期寿命不少于7年,则应进行筛查。如预期寿命不足7年,则不值得为此耗费



 “美国预防服务工作组(USPSTF)认为,结肠镜筛查的益处要在大约7年后方可显现,如果你认为患者预期寿命不少于7年,则应进行筛查。如预期寿命不足7年,则不值得为此耗费医疗资源。”密歇根州Spectrum医学中心的Therese G. Kerwel博士说。“众所周知,USPSTF声明的标题为:对75岁以上患者无必要进行筛查。但很多人未阅读声明的详细内容,而实际上如果老年患者健康和身体功能良好,则筛查将是有利的。”对较健康的老年患者强烈考虑筛查可能获益的另一个原因为,如果患者发生结直肠癌,则急诊风险高于年轻成人,因为这类患者可能发生出血、梗阻或穿孔。总的原则是衡量风险与获益。











SAN DIEGO (EGMN) – Elderly patients who never previously underwent screening colonoscopy have a high prevalence of colorectal cancer and could benefit from screening if they are healthy and functional and have a life expectancy of at least about 7 years, based on a review of colonoscopies done on people aged 76-85 at one U.S. center.


The results also showed a reasonable detection rate for colorectal cancers in the same age group when their prior colonoscopy had last been done 10 or more years before, Dr. Therese G. Kerwel said at the annual Digestive Disease Week meeting.


“The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force says that you don’t see benefit [from screening colonoscopy] until about 7 years so that’s the benchmark. If you think the person will live for another 7 or more years, then screen. If not, then it’s not worth the resources,” said Dr. Kerwel, a surgeon at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


“The headline from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is to stop screening at age 75; that’s what everyone knows. A lot of people don’t read the fine print, the loophole that you can screen elderly people if they are healthy and functional,” Dr. Kerwel said in an interview.


Another reason to strongly consider screening elderly patients who are healthy enough to potentially benefit is that if they develop colorectal cancer, they have an increased risk for an emergency presentation compared with younger adults, with the potential to develop bleeding, obstruction, or perforation, she said.


“It’s always a balance of risk and benefit, but there is definitely a subset of the elderly who need to be focused on a little more.”


The review also showed a sizeable percent of elderly people underwent colonoscopy at Spectrum Health roughly 5 years following a prior procedure, with no cases of colorectal cancer detected, indicating that a significant number of elderly people had been subjected to overly aggressive colonoscopy, Dr. Kerwel said.


She and her associates reviewed 903 people, aged 76-85 years, who underwent colonoscopy at Spectrum Health during January 2009 to December 2010. The colonoscopy occurred purely for screening in 19%, for surveillance in 42%, for symptoms in 35%, and for other reasons in 4%.


Fifty-three of the people had never previously undergone colonoscopy (in this subgroup roughly half the procedures were for screening and half were for symptoms). Colonoscopy identified colorectal carcinoma in 9%. An additional 56 people from the study group had not had a prior colonoscopy for at least 10 years; in this group the new procedure detected carcinoma in 5%.


The remaining 88% of the procedures reviewed occurred within 9 years or less of prior colonoscopy. The largest subgroup was 247 people (27% of the study group) examined 4-5 years after a prior colonoscopy. In this subgroup the procedure identified no carcinomas, and in everyone else examined 9 or fewer years after their prior examination, about 3% had cancers identified.


These results suggest that repeat colonoscopies at intervals shorter than 10 years may have questionable utility in the elderly, Dr. Kerwel said.


She said that she had no relevant financial disclosures.

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圣迭戈(EGMN)——消化疾病周(DDW)上公布的一项分析证实了结肠镜筛查在预防结直肠癌偶发病例方面的作用。苏格兰阿伯丁大学胃肠病专家Paul Lochhead博士及其同事采用了美国两项大型前瞻性观察研究的数据:护士健康研究和医务人员随访研究。Lochhead博士及其同事从护士健康研究获得随访24年(1984~2008年)的内镜筛查数据,并从卫生专业人员随访研究获得随访20年(1988~2008年


圣迭戈(EGMN)——一项最新研究显示,憩室病患者进展至憩室炎的几率实际上较低,远低于医学文献通常报道的10%~25%。   在这项研究中,加州大学洛杉矶分校的Kamyar Shahedi博士及其同事对美国退伍军人事务部大洛杉矶地区卫生保健系统1996~2011年登记的所有憩室病患者的病历进行回顾分析。研究者在排除既往诊断憩室病的病例后,查找到2,222例新诊断患者,然后从中挑出发生


圣迭戈(EGMN)——一项大型回顾性研究显示,耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)鼻部定植与接受大型胃肠道手术患者的手术部位感染和住院时间延长相关,这一结果出乎研究者意料,研究者原以为MRSA在胃肠道中并非常规可见或定植,应该对预后指标的影响很小。   为了评估MRSA鼻部定植与手术部位感染、伤口培养、住院时间和死亡率之间的关系,德克萨斯州Scott and White纪念医院的结直