
2014-06-25 佚名 生物谷

总部设在波士顿的生物技术公司Gelesis最近宣布公司开发的口服减肥药Gelesis100即将进入上市审批阶段。Gelesis100是一种颗粒物质,患者在餐前服用该药物会抑制其食欲最终达到减肥效果。临床研究显示,小剂量服用该药物时,患者平均体重降低约6.1%,而高剂量组与对照组没有差异。公司负责开发Gelesis100的Professor Arne Astrup认为Gelesis100的结果


临床研究显示,小剂量服用该药物时,患者平均体重降低约6.1%,而高剂量组与对照组没有差异。公司负责开发Gelesis100的Professor Arne Astrup认为Gelesis100的结果令人欣喜,因为这种药物避免了传统的手术、注射等治疗手段。然而一些分析人士却不这么看,来自科罗拉多大学的Daniel H. Bessesen表示,Gelesis100的各项数据仅仅中规中矩,即使上市也不意味着能在减肥药领域占据有利位置。


The Boston-based biotech Gelesis has a pair of high-profile godfathers from the research world, a fresh $12 million venture round and an intriguing new approach to treating obesity that steers clear of the brain-targeting chemicals now struggling to gain traction on the market. But the new data put out this morning fell flat with at least one of the experts in the weight-loss field.

The bottom line on the experimental Gelesis100, which is made up of particles found in food designed to swell up in the stomach ahead of mealtime, is that the low-dose arm lost an average of 6.1% of their weight, compared to a 4.1% loss in the placebo arm. There was no difference in results between the high-dose arm and the placebo. But that two-point difference for one group looked like a big win to Gelesis, especially when a larger effect was tracked for a group of "prediabetic" patients in the study.

"These results are exciting and show that Gelesis100 has the potential to provide a truly novel alternative for weight loss that does not involve surgery, injections, or systemically absorbed drugs," said lead study investigator--and Gelesis advisor--Professor Arne Astrup, from the University of Copenhagen.

The New York Times' Andrew Pollack got an early look at the results ahead of today's release. He ran the numbers by Daniel H. Bessesen, an endocrinologist at the University of Colorado, who was anything but excited. The result, he said, was "very modest. It doesn't look like a game changer," he added to the Times.

That's not something any biotech would like to read about itself in The New York Times.

Gelesis execs take a radically different tack, telling Pollack that they are now on track to execute a pivotal study on the treatment, which will be developed as a medical device and is expected to be prescribed much like a new drug. The key advantage to this treatment, says the biotech, is that patients can safely take the therapy ahead of a meal and then quickly excrete the product.

"Gelesis100 is a new class of therapy, an orally administered capsulated device, where each capsule contains thousands of tiny hydrogel particles that expand in the stomach and small intestine," said Gelesis CEO Yishai Zohar, whose company has been bankrolled in part by PureTech, a venture group run by his wife, Daphne Zohar. "The product is designed to increase the volume and elasticity of the stomach and small intestine contents, delaying gastric emptying, and leading to longer post-meal satiety with subsequent weight loss."

That's an approach that won the support of John LaMattina, the former Pfizer ($PFE) R&D chief who's chairman of Gelesis, and the influential MIT scientist Robert Langer, who has helped spawn a long lineup of biotechs, including Bind ($BIND) and Selecta.

The data, though, fall short of the impact seen from new weight-loss drugs like Vivus's ($VVUS) Qsymia and Belviq, now marketed by Arena and Eisai. Orexigen is a few months away from getting another verdict from the FDA on its new drug and Zafgen has been toiling away at a drug that so far has produced very promising results.

The market for weight-loss drugs has been badly hampered by insurer's reluctance to cover the therapies, marginal weight-loss results seen in the clinic and lingering worries about their safety. Gelesis just may have tackled one element in that equation, but the rest are still troublesome threats to the company's quest


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    2014-06-27 skhzy


FDA 顾问小组建议批准减肥药Qnexa

FDA的内分泌恩和代谢药物委员会建议批准VIVUS公司的减肥药Qnexa上市,委员会以20票赞成,2票反对建议品准其上市。 “对于专家们的结果支持Qnexa的安全性和有效性的建议批准,我们很高兴”,VIVUS公司总裁Peter Tam说道, “我们期待与FDA的进一步工作以完成他们对该药的评价。肥胖是一个不好的身体状态,我们致力于将Qnexa提供和给医生,为其在治疗肥胖时多出一种治疗方案。”

FDA重审3只被拒减肥药 减肥新药审批迎来拐点

2012年以来,美国FDA将对此前在2010年被拒绝的3只减肥药物进行重新审查。而至于这3只药物可否获批,医学界大多持观望的态度。医学界怀疑的并不是这些减肥药的疗效,而是它们的安全性,虽然业界也非常渴望在这一治疗领域取得重大突破。 自从上一只减肥药物获批销售以来,时间已经整整过去了13年。最后一只获得批准的减肥药是罗氏生产的赛尼可(Xenical),于1999年获得批准。 Orlistat:审


  (原标题:为什么美国医生不多开点减肥药?) 6月11日美国FDA称将推迟决定是否批准一个新的减肥药物,这个药是Orexigen的Contrave,这次FDA把做决定的日子往后推了3个月。若最终获批,它将成为近年来获批上市的第3个减肥药物。不过,按目前的情况来看,即使能成功上市,也和另外两个减肥药Qsymia和Belviq一样,不会有很大的销量。 根据美国CDC的统计数据


Zafgen公司公布了关于其研发的治疗肥胖症的药物beloranib二期临床结果,数据令人印象深刻。数据显示,在不改变饮食和锻炼强度的情况下,实验组肥胖症病人的体重出现明显降低。该药物是Zafgen从韩国的CKD公司获得授权。 据研究显示,肥胖症是引发二型糖尿病的最大因素之一 详细英文报道: CHICAGO--Zafgen has revealed some impressive weigh


北京时间3月28日凌晨消息,英国制药商葛兰素史克周四宣布,由于部分批次可能被篡改,包含了一种非正宗的产品,正在从美国以及波多黎各零售商处自愿召回所有的Alli减肥产品。 葛兰素史克在声明中说,收到来自七个州消费者就Alli的药瓶中装有不是Alli产品的片剂和胶囊的查询要求。在这些消费者投诉中,Alli减肥产品的瓶中发现有多种不同形状和颜色的片剂及胶囊。其中的一些药物没有标签,防伪封印也不是正宗的