
2013-04-17 伊文 EurekAlert中文版

  芝加哥 – 据4月17日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在一项包括了6-18岁儿童和青少年的研究中,那些经历过偏头痛的人更有可能是在婴儿时期得过急腹痛。   根据文章的背景资料:“婴儿急腹痛是婴儿在其生命的头几个月中无法通过安慰而使其停止哭闹的一个常见原因。”“人们对于急腹痛的发病机制及其具有年龄特异性的表现还不甚了解。婴儿急腹痛常常被解读为是一种疼痛综合征而且可能是多因子的。..

  芝加哥 – 据4月17日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在一项包括了6-18岁儿童和青少年的研究中,那些经历过偏头痛的人更有可能是在婴儿时期得过急腹痛。


  巴黎APHP-Hospital Robert Debré的Silvia Romanello, M.D.及其同事开展了一项研究,旨在对偏头痛和急腹痛之间的可能关系进行调查。这一病例-对照研究包括了208名6到18岁的孩子,他们在2012年4月至2012年6月间在3家欧洲的三级医院的急症部门就诊时被诊断患有偏头痛。对照组则由471名有着相同年龄范围的孩子组成,他们在同一时期因为轻微的创伤而去过参与该研究的各个医疗中心的急症部门就诊。一个结构式的问卷发现了病例-对照研究参与者在婴儿时患有急腹痛的个人史,并通过健康小册子对其进行了确认。一则对120名诊断患有紧张型头痛的儿童所做的第二个研究是为了测试这种关系的特异性。

  研究人员发现,那些有偏头痛的儿童比那些没有偏头痛的儿童更有可能在婴儿时期经历了婴儿急腹痛(72.6% vs. 26.5%)。对偏头痛亚型所做的亚型分析证实了婴儿急腹痛与无先兆偏头痛(73.9% vs. 26.5%)或有先兆偏头痛(69.7% vs. 26.5%)之间的关系。这种关系在患有紧张型头痛的孩子中则没有被发现。




Association Between Childhood Migraine and History of Infantile Colic
Infantile colic is a common cause of inconsolable crying during the first months of life and has been thought to be a pain syndrome. Migraine is a common cause of headache pain in childhood. Whether there is an association between these 2 types of pain in unknown.
To investigate a possible association between infantile colic and migraines in childhood.
Design, Setting, and Participants
A case-control study of 208 consecutive children aged 6 to 18 years presenting to the emergency department and diagnosed as having migraines in 3 European tertiary care hospitals between April 2012 and June 2012. The control group was composed of 471 children in the same age range who visited the emergency department of each participating center for minor trauma during the same period. A structured questionnaire identified personal history of infantile colic for case and control participants, confirmed by health booklets. A second study of 120 children diagnosed with tension-type headaches was done to test the specificity of the association.
Main Outcomes and Measures 
Difference in the prevalence of infantile colic between children with and without a diagnosis of migraine.
Children with migraine were more likely to have experienced infantile colic than those without migraine (72.6% vs 26.5%; odds ratio [OR], 6.61 [95% CI, 4.38-10.00]; P < .001), either migraine without aura (n = 142; 73.9% vs 26.5%; OR, 7.01 [95% CI, 4.43-11.09]; P < .001), or migraine with aura (n = 66; 69.7% vs 26.5%; OR, 5.73 [95% CI, 3.07-10.73]; P < .001). This association was not found for children with tension-type headache (35% vs 26.5%; OR, 1.46 [95% CI, 0.92-2.32]; P = .10).
Conclusion and Relevance 
The presence of migraine in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years was associated with a history of infantile colic. Additional longitudinal studies are required.

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