2012 AHA年会:芝麻油米胚油降压改善胆固醇

2012-10-03 高晓方译 医学论坛网

     美国心脏学会(AHA)高血压研究2012科学年会的一项报道表明,采用芝麻油和米胚油混合物烹饪在降压效果方面等同于常用降压药物,并且混合油可改善胆固醇水平。   此项为期60天的研究共纳入300例伴有轻、中度高血压的患者。受试者分为3组,分别接受常用降压药物硝苯地平、混合油以及二者联合治疗。3组受试者中男、女性比例基本相同,平均年龄为57岁。   结果显示,混合油组、硝苯地平组和联合






  Sesame and rice bran oil lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol  

Study Highlights:
  • A blend of sesame and rice bran oil reduced blood pressure almost as well as a common medication.
  • Those who used a combination of both the oil and medication had more than twice the drop in blood pressure compared to either the group taking medication alone, or those only supplementing their diet with the oil blend
EMBARGOED UNTIL 4 pm ET, Wednesday, September 19, 2012
WASHINGTON, DC, September 19, 2012 — People who cooked with a blend of sesame and rice bran oils saw a significant drop in blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels, according to new research presented at the American Heart Association’s High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions.
The researchers found cooking with a combination of these oils in a variety of ways worked nearly as well as a commonly prescribed high blood pressure medication, and that the use of the oil blend with medication yielded even more impressive results.
“Rice bran oil, like sesame oil, is low in saturated fat and appears to improve a patient’s cholesterol profile,” said Devarajan Sankar, M.D, Ph.D., a research scientist in the Department of Cardiovascular Disease at Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital in Chikushino, Japan. “Additionally, it may reduce heart disease risk in other ways, including being a substitute for less healthy oils and fats in the diet.”
The 60-day study in New Delhi, India, divided 300 people with mild to moderately high blood pressure into three groups. One group was treated with a commonly used blood pressure lowering medication called a calcium-channel blocker (nifedipine). The second group was given the oil blend and told to use about an ounce each day in their meals.
The final group received the calcium channel blocker and the oil blend.
All three groups, with approximately an equal number of men and women, average age of 57, saw drops in their systolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the top number in a blood pressure reading and measures the force of blood against your artery walls when the heart is pumping.
Systolic blood pressure dropped an average of 14 points for those using only the oil blend and 16 points for those taking medication. Those using both saw a 36-point drop.
Diastolic blood pressure also dropped significantly: 11 points for those eating the oil, 12 for those on medication and 24 for those using both. Diastolic blood pressure is the bottom number in a blood pressure reading that measures the force of blood against your artery walls when your heart is at rest between beats.
As for cholesterol, those using the oils saw a 26 percent drop in their LDL (“bad” cholesterol) and a 9.5 percent increase in the HDL (“good” cholesterol), while no changes in cholesterol were observed for the patients who used only the calcium-channel blocker. Those who took the calcium channel blocker and the oils had a 27 percent drop in LDL levels and a 10.9 percent increase in the HDL.
Healthier fatty acids and antioxidants, such as sesamin, sesamol, sesamolin and oryzanol, in the oil blends may be responsible for the results, Sankar said. These antioxidants, mono and poly unsaturated oils are compounds found in plants and have been linked with lower blood pressure and total cholesterol in earlier studies.
Additional studies are needed to determine if the oil blend is as beneficial as it seems. The combination was made specifically for this study, and there are no plans to market it commercially, Sankar said. Blending these oils yourself would not necessarily produce these effects.
People with high blood pressure should not stop taking their medications and should speak with their doctors before trying any product that might change their blood pressure to ensure they’re being properly monitored.
Co-authors are.Ravinder Singh, M.B.B.S., and Biprabuddha Chatterjee, M.Sc. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.
No outside funding was received for this research. Adani Wilmar Limited of Gujarat, India, donated the oil blend (VivoTM) for use in the study.

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