
2012-01-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

12月16日,在线发表在Cancer杂志上一项对新西兰中年男性的研究"Statin use and fatal prostate cancer: A matched case-control study"表明,他汀类药物治疗与前列腺癌造成的死亡率下降具有相关性。人们服用那些药物可能是为了心脏,但是同时对前列腺也有好处。 研究人员Stephen Marcella博士等收集了380名死于前列腺病

12月16日,在线发表在Cancer杂志上一项对新西兰中年男性的研究"Statin use and fatal prostate cancer: A matched case-control study"表明,他汀类药物治疗与前列腺癌造成的死亡率下降具有相关性。人们服用那些药物可能是为了心脏,但是同时对前列腺也有好处。

研究人员Stephen Marcella博士等收集了380名死于前列腺病人的医疗记录,以及380名年龄和种族相匹配的对照组的记录。大多数男性是白种人,平均60多岁,接近25%的病人服用过一种他汀类药物。





杜克大学医学中心的Stephen Freedland博士讲到,他汀类药物预防致命性前列腺癌可能是通过降胆固醇作用实现的。胆固醇是癌细胞的关键营养素,所以降低胆固醇水平可以预防癌症的发展。但是也有可能他汀类药物根本不具有预防某些癌症的功能,可能是因为服用他汀类药物的人群改变饮食或者开始锻炼,这些因素导致致命性癌症的风险降低。(生物谷

Statin use and fatal prostate cancer: A matched case-control study

Marcella SW, David A, Ohman-Strickland PA, Carson J, Rhoads GG.

Statins are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in medical practice, and prostate cancer is the most common malignancy among men. Although there has been no consistent evidence that statins affect cancer incidence, including prostate cancer, several reports suggest they may decrease the rate of advanced prostate cancer. However, no study to date has specifically examined statin use and prostate cancer mortality. The authors conducted this population-based case-control investigation to examine this association.
This was a matched case-control study. Cases were residents of New Jersey ages 55 to 79 years who died from prostate cancer between 1997 and 2000. The cases were matched individually to population-based controls by 5-year age group and race. Medication data were obtained identically for cases and controls from blinded medical chart review. Conditional logistic regression was used to adjust for confounders.
In total, 718 cases were identified, and cooperation was obtained from 77% of their spouses (N = 553). After a review of medical records, 387 men were eligible, and 380 were matched to a control. The unadjusted odds ratio was 0.49 (95% confidence interval, 0.34-0.70) and decreased to 0.37 (P < .0001) after adjusting for education, waist size, body mass index, comorbidities, and antihypertensive medication. There was little difference between lipophilic and hydrophilic statins, but more risk reduction was noted for high-potency statins (73%; P < .0001) compared with low-potency statins (31%; P = .32).
Statin use was associated with substantial protection against prostate cancer death, adding to the epidemiologic evidence for an inhibitory effect on prostate cancer. Cancer 2012;. ? 2011 American Cancer Society.

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  瑞典一项为期20年的随访研究显示,接受筛查者和未接受筛查者前列腺癌死亡率无显著差异。研究论文近期发表于《英国医学杂志》。   该研究是一项基于人群的随机对照试验,纳入了1987年全国人口登记处确定的瑞典诺尔雪平市所有50~69周岁的男性(n=9026)。在研究人群中,1494位男性被随机分配到筛查组,其余进入对照组。   结果显示,在1987-1996年间的4次筛查中参与人数分别为1161


美国研究人员6月21日说,吸烟可能增加前列腺癌患者的死亡几率。   哈佛大学公共卫生学院教授斯泰茜·肯菲尔德及其同事1986年至2006年间随访5366名前列腺癌病人,研究结果由最新一期《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)发表。   肯菲尔德告诉路透社记者:“与从不吸烟者相比,吸烟者患前列腺癌后的死亡几率要高出61%,前列腺癌治愈后复发的几率同样高61%。”  

EMCC 2011:两种预测前列腺癌新方法被公布

  David Ørsted医生   9月23~27日,2011欧洲多学科癌症大会(EMCC)在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行。本次会议集合了第16届欧洲癌症组织(ECCO)大会、第36 届欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)大会和第30届欧洲放射肿瘤学会(ESTRO)大会,涵盖基础与转化科学、外科、放射治疗、内科肿瘤学与护理等方面的内容,是欧洲肿瘤学届的学术盛会。   丹麦哥本哈根大

前列腺癌:临床研究传捷报, MDT成趋势

谢晓冬教授   2011年9月,欧洲多学科肿瘤大会(EMCC)在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开,来自世界各地的15000余名肿瘤专家和学术精英齐聚一堂,共同探讨肿瘤领域研究的最新进展。本届年会极具特色,由欧洲癌症组织(ECCO)、欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)、欧洲放射肿瘤学会(ESTRO)和欧洲外科肿瘤学会(ESSO)等多个欧洲肿瘤组织联合承办,突出了肿瘤多学科诊治(MDT)的主题。   前列腺癌作为