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Benefits of a Psychosocial Intervention on Positive Affect and Posttraumatic Growth for Chinese American Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study

期刊: BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, 2020; 46 (1)

Breast cancer survivors report persistent psychological and physical symptoms, which affect their quality of life and may challenge the recovery proce......

Recreational Drug Use, Polydrug Use and Sexual Behaviors Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Southwestern China: A Cross-Sectional Study

期刊: BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, 2019; 45 (4)

Although recreational drug use is associated with risky sexual behaviors and HIV infection among men who have sex with men (MSM), it is unclear to wha......


Evaluating a Pilot Culturally Sensitive Psychosocial Intervention on Posttraumatic Growth for Chinese American Breast Cancer Survivors

期刊: BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE, 2022; 48 (4)

This study investigated the potential benefit of a pilot culturally sensitive group support intervention, named Joy Luck Academy (JLA), in fostering p......


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