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Icariin inhibits the formation of mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) and improves erectile function in rats treated with prostate radiation

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (6)

Background Erectile function is usually impaired after radiation therapy in prostate cancer patients. eNOS is a key enzyme in the process of erection.......


Multi-stage screening cell-free seminal mRNAs to diagnose completion of meiosis and predict testicular sperm retrieval in men with non-obstructive azoospermia

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (4)

Background Differential diagnosis of men with subtypes of non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) is important for their treatment. Many genes are transcrip......


Catch-up fat in male adults induces low testosterone and consequently promotes metabolic abnormalities and cognitive impairment

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (5)

Background Catch-up fat in adults (CUFA) caused by rapid nutrition promotion after undernutrition plays an important role in the epidemic of insulin r......


Low androgen level impairs erectile function of rat by regulating the Ng/CaN/AKT/eNOS pathway in penile corpus cavernosum

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (6)

Background The mechanism by which low androgen status inhibit erectile function has not yet been clearly elucidated. Neurogranin (Ng) is a Ca2+-sensit......


Representation of women as editors in andrology journals

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (6)

Background Surveys of gender diversity in editorial boards of journals have been conducted in several disciplines, but not in andrology. Objectives Th......


Dopamine D2 receptors in the nucleus accumbens modulate erectile function in a rat model of nonorganic erectile dysfunction

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (4)

Background The central molecular mechanisms of nonorganic erectile dysfunction remains unknown. Objective This study aimed to investigate the associat......


Significance of detailed hematological parameters as markers of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (8)

Background Several hematologic parameters have been shown to be strongly associated with cardiovascular disease, yet few studies were conducted to ass......


Clinical benefit for cryopreservation of single human spermatozoa for ICSI: A systematic review and meta-analysis

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (1)

Background Systematic reviews have focused on sperm recovery and post-thaw parameters after cryopreservation, but there is no information on the assoc......


TGF-beta 3 induces lactate production in Sertoli cell through inhibiting the Notch pathway

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (8)

Backgrounds: In the testis, spermatocytes and spermatids rely on lactate produced by Sertoli cells (SCs) as energy source. Transforming growth factor-......


Association of malignant neoplasms with semen quality in Guangdong province, China: A propensity score matching analysis

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (1)

Background Previous studies have reported lower semen quality in malignant neoplasm patients before antineoplastic treatments, but the adverse effects......


LncRNA8276 primes cell-cell adhesion for regulation of spermatogenesis

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (8)

Background Human sperm concentration and motility have dropped dramatically (50%) in the past few decades, and environmental factors are involved in t......


Evaluating an external quality assurance program for semen analysis in China during 2009-2020

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (6)

Introduction Semen analysis (SA) plays a key role in guiding treatments of male reproductive diseases and infertility due to male factors; however, it......


Extracellular vesicles from human urine-derived stem cells merged in hyaluronic acid ameliorate erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetic rats by glans administration

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (8)

Background The high prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is a challenging clinical problem. Researc......


Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein regulates cyclin B1 against spermatogenesis arrest caused by heat stress

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (2)

Background Spermatogenesis arrest and spermatogenic cell apoptosis occur in the testes of heat-stressed mice. Although heat stress-induced spermatogen......


Low androgen status inhibits erectile function by upregulating the expression of proteins of mitochondria-associated membranes in rat corpus cavernosum

期刊: ANDROLOGY, 2022; 10 (5)

Objective To investigate the effect of low androgen status on mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) and its relationship with erectile function. Me......


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