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Mouse α-Defensins: Structural and Functional Analysis of the 17 Cryptdin Isoforms Identified from a Single Jejunal Crypt

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (1)

Mouse alpha-defensins, better known as cryptdins, are host protective antimicrobial peptides produced in the intestinal crypt by Paneth cells. To date......

Treatment of Bacterial Infections with β-Lactams: Cooperation with Innate Immunity

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (2)

beta-Lactams are the most widely prescribed antibiotics used for the control and treatment of bacterial infections. The direct effect of beta-lactams ......

Identification of Multiple Iron Uptake Mechanisms in Enterococcus faecalis and Their Relationship to Virulence

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (4)

Among the unfavorable conditions bacteria encounter within the host is restricted access to essential trace metals such as iron. To overcome iron defi......

Inflammation plays a critical role in damage to the bronchiolar epithelium induced by Trueperella pyogenes in vitro and in vivo


Trueperella pyogenes can cause severe pulmonary disease in swine, but the mechanism of pathogenesis is not well defined. T. pyogenes-induced damage to......

Distinct Molecular Features of NIeG Type 3 Secreted Effectors Allow for Different Roles during Citrobacter rodentium Infection in Mice

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (1)

The NIeGs are the largest family of type 3 secreted effectors in attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens, such as enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (E......

A Member of an Ancient Family of Bacterial Amino Acids Transporters Contributes to Chlamydia Nutritional Virulence and Immune Evasion

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (3)

Many obligate intracellular bacteria, including members of the genus Chlamydia, cannot synthesize a variety of amino acids de novo and acquire these f......

Erp and Rev Adhesins of the Lyme Disease Spirochete's Ubiquitous cp32 Prophages Assist the Bacterium during Vertebrate Infection

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (3)

Almost all spirochetes in the genus Borrelia (sensu lato) naturally contain multiple variants of closely related prophages. In the Lyme disease borrel......

StkP- and PhpP-Mediated Posttranslational Modifications Modulate the S. pneumoniae Metabolism, Polysaccharide Capsule, and Virulence

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (4)

Pneumococcal Ser/Thr kinase (StkP) and its cognate phosphatase (PhpP) play a crucial role in bacterial cytokinesis. However, their individual and reci......

The Mystery of Candida albicans Hyphal Morphogenesis in the Macrophage Phagolysosome

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (5)

C. albicans transitions between budding yeast and filamentous hyphal forms in a process that is tightly associated with its virulence. This transition......

Susceptibility to Cryptococcus neoformans Infection with Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (8)

Patients receiving the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibrutinib have an increased likelihood of fungal infections. The objectives of this st......

A Positively Selected fur-R88H Mutation Enhances Helicobacter pylori Fitness in a High-Salt Environment and Alters Fur-Dependent Regulation of Gene Expression

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (2)

Both Helicobacter pylori infection and a high-salt diet are risk factors for gastric cancer. We previously showed that a mutation in fur (encoding the......

Tryptophan Availability during Persistence of Chlamydia trachomatis Directly Impacts Expression of Chlamydial Cell Division Proteins

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (2)

Chlamydia is an obligate intracellular pathogen with a highly reduced genome devoid of major stress response genes like relA and spoT, which mediate t......

Regulation of Bacterial Two-Component Systems by Cardiolipin

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (4)

The regulation of membrane protein activity for cellular functions is critically dependent on the composition of phospholipid membranes. Cardiolipin, ......

Arginine Metabolism Powers Salmonella Resistance to Oxidative Stress

期刊: INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, 2023; 91 (6)

Salmonella invades host cells and replicates inside acidified, remodeled vacuoles that are exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by the i......

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