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Characterization and response to inflammatory stimulation of human endometrial-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells

期刊: CYTOTHERAPY, 2022; 24 (2)

Background aims: The human endometrium has emerged as an attractive source of endometrial-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (eMSCs) that can be e......


Small-scale manufacturing of neoantigen-encoding messenger RNA for early-phase clinical trials

期刊: CYTOTHERAPY, 2022; 24 (2)

Messenger RNA (mRNA) has become a promising tool in therapeutic cancer vaccine strategies. Owing to its flexible design and rapid production, mRNA is ......


Long-term clinical efficacy of cytokine-induced killer cell-based immunotherapy in early-stage esophageal squamous cell carcinoma

期刊: CYTOTHERAPY, 2022; 24 (5)

Background aims: In this retrospective clinical study, the authors investigated the impact of cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cell-based immunotherapies......


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