GetPortalImpactFactorByIdResp(projectId=1, id=f7a32199, cover=, fullname=ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL, abbr=ENVIRON INT, pyear=1978, frequence=Bimonthly, articleNumbers=5429, citedSelf2015=6.0, acceptanceRate=null, submissionToAcceptance=null, averageReviewTime=平均3月, reviewFee=null, pageFee=null, publishedRatio=2023年中国人文章占该期刊总数量暂无数据 (2022年为100.00%), issn=0160-4120, greenSci=, scijournal=, medsciHotlightString=null, medsciHotlightRealtime=8.993, medsciHotlight=8.281, medsciHotlight5year=11.2953, citescore=21.9, hIndex=191, impactFactor=11.8, orgnization=Elsevier Ltd., orgnizationUrl=, country=United Kingdom, countryCn=英国, isOa=0, isOaString=否, sciScie=Science Citation Index Expanded|Current Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences|Zoological Record|BIOSIS Previews, bigclassCas=环境科学与生态学 1区[Top], smallclassCas=环境科学与生态学 1 区, website=, websiteHits=11944, guideForAuthor=null, guideForAuthorHits=22, submitWebsite=|, submitWebsiteHits=5471, content=Environment International (EI) covers the broad field of environmental research that quantifies relationships between exposure to environmental contaminants and their relationship with environmental health. We recognize that environmental issues in relation to environmental health are truly interdisciplinary and therefore will consider articles that cover the entire spectrum of interactions, pathways, fate and effects for any chosen environmental hazard, either chemical, biological or physical. The primary criteria for publication are scientific quality and environmental health significance. Environmental epidemiology and biomarker-based risk assessment represent key areas which require integrated multidisciplinary research to identify, address and resolve current environmental health risk issues. We therefore encourage the submission of articles related to the identification and characterization of biological markers or 'biomarkers'. Biomarkers of exposure to environmental hazards, of environmentally-induced disease and of genetic susceptibility, are in combination revolutionizing the science of risk assessment. All of these measurements have the ability to improve the accuracy, reliability and scientific basis for the quantitative assessment of environmental health risks. We would welcome new approaches in these areas. Also, we particularly encourage papers concerned with issues relating to compounds that act as endocrine disrupters in the environment. This includes issues relating to mechanisms of action, testing, effects on wildlife and human exposure implications. No single format can accommodate all useful contributions to this journal. Five formats are offered: Editorial articles are published by our editor, members of the editorial board or invited guest editors. These focus attention on contemporary important environmental issues in relation to environmental health and are designed to stimulate debate and discussion. Research Articles are up-to-date original papers that present developments in any scientific field which relates environmental issues to health. Informative abstracts are required and articles must be fully referenced. Criteria for publication are weighted toward scientific quality and environmental significance. The manuscript will be evaluated on the basis of its conciseness, clarity, and presentation. The work will be assessed according to its originality, scientific merit, and experimental design. Poorly written manuscripts will be returned to the authors with a request to improve the quality of the paper prior to peer review. Reviews represent articles that emphasize recent developments in a particular field of research. They may be of a broader nature, providing summaries of new developments in any relevant area. Authors are encouraged to write in a clear and simple manner so that the article is unde, totalCites=64072, brief=ENVIRON INT杂志环境科学与生态学行业,“<strong><a target="_blank" href="/sci/环境科学" >环境科学</a></strong>”子行业的优秀级杂志, articleType=本刊接收类型不明, medsciHeat=黑红, medsciComment=ENVIRON INT在该细分领域可能是一流杂志,可能是创刊时间短或不是热门学科,整体来说,国内学者关注度仍然不够。对于投稿而言,建议多向"&abbr&"投稿,当然期刊也应该加强品牌宣传。, medsciExplanation=MedSci期刊指数是根据中国科研工作者(含医学临床,基础,生物,化学等学科)对SCI杂志的认知度,熟悉程度,以及投稿的量等众多指标综合评定而成。当然,具体的,您还可以结合“<a href=''>投稿经验系统</a>”,进行综合判断,这更是大家的实战经验,值得分享和参考。<br>
注意,上述MedSci期刊指数采用MedSci专利技术,由计算机系统自动计算,并给出建议,存在不准确的可能,仅供您投稿选择杂志时参考。, tags=[ImpactFactorTagDto(id=41091, tagName=环境科学, createdHits=21), ImpactFactorTagDto(id=43330, tagName=环境与健康, createdHits=1)], citeScoreList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2017, citescore=7.32), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2018, citescore=8.58), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2019, citescore=9.9), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2020, citescore=11.6), GetImpactFactorCiteScoreListResponse(year=2023, citescore=21.9)], medsciIndexList=[GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2020, medsciHotlight=11.814), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2021, medsciHotlight=9.89), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2022, medsciHotlight=9.684), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2023, medsciHotlight=8.816), GetImpactFactorMedsciIndexListResponse(year=2024, medsciHotlight=8.993)], citeScoreGradeList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=Environmental Science - General Environmental Science , rank=4/192)], totalJcrAreaList=[GetImpactFactorCiteScoreGradeResponse(smallClass=ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, rank=Q1)], pmcUrl=[ISSN], pubmedUrl= INTERNATIONAL[ta], article_number=711, article_number_cn=293, earlyWarning=null, linkOutUrl=null, isJournalMember=false, unscrambleContent=null, dayViewCount=false, endexampletyle=暂无数据)