
2013-03-12 Alexa 译 医学论坛网

  近日,《新英格兰医学杂志》发表了一项研究表明,早期帕金森患者脑神经部刺激和药物治疗同时进行的疗效,优于仅接受药物治疗的患者。   研究人员对251名病程4年以上的早期帕金森患者进行研究,研究结果表明,对于较早期的帕金森疾病,在患者的严重运动并发症没有出现之前,脑部神经刺激优于单独药物治疗。研究人员建议临床医生不要单一依靠传统的药物来对早期帕金森患者进行治疗。与帕金森相关的拓展阅读: NEJ




Subthalamic stimulation reduces motor disability and improves quality of life in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease who have severe levodopa-induced motor complications. We hypothesized that neurostimulation would be beneficial at an earlier stage of Parkinson's disease.
In this 2-year trial, we randomly assigned 251 patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications (mean age, 52 years; mean duration of disease, 7.5 years) to undergo neurostimulation plus medical therapy or medical therapy alone. The primary end point was quality of life, as assessed with the use of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) summary index (with scores ranging from 0 to 100 and higher scores indicating worse function). Major secondary outcomes included parkinsonian motor disability, activities of daily living, levodopa-induced motor complications (as assessed with the use of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, parts III, II, and IV, respectively), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia.
For the primary outcome of quality of life, the mean score for the neurostimulation group improved by 7.8 points, and that for the medical-therapy group worsened by 0.2 points (between-group difference in mean change from baseline to 2 years, 8.0 points; P=0.002). Neurostimulation was superior to medical therapy with respect to motor disability (P<0.001), activities of daily living (P<0.001), levodopa-induced motor complications (P<0.001), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia (P=0.01). Serious adverse events occurred in 54.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and in 44.1% of those in the medical-therapy group. Serious adverse events related to surgical implantation or the neurostimulation device occurred in 17.7% of patients. An expert panel confirmed that medical therapy was consistent with practice guidelines for 96.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and for 94.5% of those in the medical-therapy group.
Subthalamic stimulation was superior to medical therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications. (Funded by the German Ministry of Research and others; EARLYSTIM number, NCT00354133.)


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图 运动可改善PD患者运动症状   美国一项研究显示,跑步、伸展和抗阻训练均可改善帕金森病(PD)患者的运动能力和身体机能。论文11月5日在线发表于《神经病学文献》(Arch Neurol)杂志。   研究纳入步态受损的PD患者67例,随机分入3个试验分支中:① 高强度跑步训练(30分钟内达到最高心率的70%~80%);② 低强度跑步训练(50分钟内达到最高心率的


  法国和德国研究人员合作开展的一项随机试验显示,在药物治疗基础上加用下丘脑刺激,不仅可改善早期帕金森病患者的生活质量和轻度左旋多巴诱导的运动并发症,还可以减少后续的运动残疾。   主要作者W.M.M. Schüpbach博士和EARLYSTIM(对于早期帕金森病患者进行深部脑刺激的对照试验)研究组的同事指出,已知这种联合治疗对晚期帕金森病患者有益,而这一新发现提示“神经刺激可能作为较当前

ARCH NEUROL:发现帕金森变性的生物学标志物

  帕金森病理发展的轨迹探索的研究仍在进行中。近期,一项在美国麻省理工学院和马萨诸塞州总医院帕金森病研究中心进行的一项病例对照研究表明,帕金森病患者黑质致密部(SNc)神经变性早于基底前脑(BF),并且建立了一种新型多光谱磁共振成像技术用于追踪PD变性的生物学标志物。   该研究入选了29例PD患者(Hoehn-Yahr分期[H&Y]1-3期)和27例相匹配的健康对照者,使用新型多光谱结构磁共振


  帕金森病(PD)作为中枢神经系统进行性疾病,初期主要依靠药物控制疾病的症状。如果确诊的原发性PD患者病程达到5年以上,药物疗效已明显下降时,可考虑手术治疗,脑深部电刺激(DBS,俗称脑起搏器)疗法是首选方案,不过疾病进展到晚期再做则效果不理想。   DBS通过植入大脑中的电极,发放电脉冲至控制运动的相关神经核团,调控异常的神经电活动,达到减轻和控制症状的目的。植入电极时选用的是微创手段,不需


  了解疾病的进展机制是找到治疗方法来阻止它的第一步,也是最重要的步骤之一。如阿尔茨海默氏症等脑退化性疾病就是这种情况。经过几年渐进性的研究,现在来自宾夕法尼亚大学Perelman医学院的研究人员将重要的步骤拼凑到了一起,揭示了帕金森氏病(PD)在细胞之间传播并导致神经细胞死亡的机制。   他们的研究还揭示了一个广义的概念:这种类型的疾病过程是其他神经退行性疾病,如阿尔茨海默氏症、亨廷顿氏病、进