
2012-09-18 liuchun 生物谷

    在美国,止痛药是最常用的药物。根据布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women's Hospital)研究人员的一项研究结果,止痛药或许可导致女性耳聋。相关论文发表在近期的American Journal of Epidemiology杂志上。     研究称,每周两天及两天以上服用布洛芬或扑热息痛的女性耳聋风险增加,且服

    在美国,止痛药是最常用的药物。根据布莱根妇女医院(Brigham and Women's Hospital)研究人员的一项研究结果,止痛药或许可导致女性耳聋。相关论文发表在近期的American Journal of Epidemiology杂志上。





    此项研究的领导者Sharon G. Curhan说,可能是因为非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs,Non-Steroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs)减少了耳蜗的血流量,削弱了耳蜗的功能。扑热息痛可能减少了对耳蜗有保护功能的因子。


编译自Popular Pain-Relieving Medicines Linked to Hearing Loss in Women


Analgesic Use and the Risk of Hearing Loss in Women

Sharon G. Curhan*, Josef Shargorodsky, Roland Eavey and Gary C. Curhan

Use of analgesics is common and is associated with increased risk of hearing loss in men; however, the relation has not been examined prospectively in women. The authors prospectively examined the relation between frequency of aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen use and risk of hearing loss among 62,261 women aged 31–48 years at baseline (1995) in Nurses' Health Study II. The outcome was self-reported hearing loss (n = 10,012), and the follow-up period was 1995–2009. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to adjust for potential confounders. During 764,247 person-years of follow-up, ibuprofen use and acetaminophen use were independently associated with increased risk of hearing loss, but aspirin use was not. For ibuprofen, the multivariate-adjusted relative risk of hearing loss was 1.13 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06, 1.19) for use 2–3 days/week, 1.21 (95% CI: 1.11, 1.32) for use 4–5 days/week, and 1.24 (95% CI: 1.14, 1.35) for use ≥6 days/week (P-trend < 0.0001), compared with use less than once per week. For acetaminophen, the corresponding relative risks were 1.11 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.19), 1.21 (95% CI: 1.07, 1.37), and 1.08 (95% CI: 0.95, 1.22), respectively (P-trend = 0.0007). In this study, use of ibuprofen or acetaminophen (but not aspirin) 2 or more days per week was associated with an increased risk of hearing loss in women.

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