
2013-10-30 桂园 中国广播网

山东省医学科学院24日宣布,山东省皮肤病研究所张福仁研究团队通过对2042个病例及健康对照者的研究,成功定位氨苯砜综合症的风险位点基因。氨苯砜综合症是导致麻风病死亡的主要原因之一,该位点的发现和临床应用,可有效预防氨苯砜综合症发生,使麻风病的一级预防成为可能。 据介绍,张福仁研究团队致力于麻风防治研究十年,共发现12个麻风易感基因,研究结果先后发表于《新英格兰医学杂志》、《自然?遗传学》




Zhang FR, Liu H, Irwanto A, Fu XA, Li Y, Yu GQ, Yu YX, Chen MF, Low HQ, Li JH, Bao FF, Foo JN, Bei JX, Jia XM, Liu J, Liany H, Wang N, Niu GY, Wang ZZ, Shi BQ, Tian HQ, Liu HX, Ma SS, Zhou Y, You JB, Yang Q, Wang C, Chu TS, Liu DC, Yu XL, Sun YH, Ning Y, Wei ZH, Chen SL, Chen XC, Zhang ZX, Liu YX, Pulit SL, Wu WB, Zheng ZY, Yang RD, Long H, Liu ZS, Wang JQ, Li M, Zhang LH, Wang H, Wang LM, Xiao P, Li JL, Huang ZM, Huang JX, Li Z, Liu J, Xiong L, Yang J, Wang XD, Yu DB, Lu XM, Zhou GZ, Yan LB, Shen JP, Zhang GC, Zeng YX, de Bakker PI, Chen SM, Liu JJ. HLA-B*13:01 and the dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2013 Oct 24;369(17):1620-8.

Liu H, Bao F, Irwanto A, Fu X, Lu N, Yu G, Yu Y, Sun Y, Low H, Li Y, Liany H, Yuan C, Li J, Liu J, Chen M, Liu H, Wang N, You J, Ma S, Niu G, Zhou Y, Chu T, Tian H, Chen S, Zhang X, Liu J, Zhang F. An association study of TOLL and CARD with leprosy susceptibility in Chinese population. Hum Mol Genet. 2013 Nov 1;22(21):4430-7

Liu H, Irwanto A, Tian H, Fu X, Yu Y, Yu G, Low H, Chu T, Li Y, Shi B, Chen M, Sun Y, Yuan C, Lu N, You J, Bao F, Li J, Liu J, Liu H, Liu D, Yu X, Zhang L, Yang Q, Wang N, Niu G, Ma S, Zhou Y, Wang C, Chen S, Zhang X, Liu J, Zhang F.Identification of IL18RAP/IL18R1 and IL12B as leprosy risk genes demonstrates shared pathogenesis between inflammation and infectious diseases. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Nov 2;91(5):935-41

Zhang F, Liu H, Chen S, Low H, Sun L, Cui Y, Chu T, Li Y, Fu X, Yu Y, Yu G, Shi B, Tian H, Liu D, Yu X, Li J, Lu N, Bao F, Yuan C, Liu J, Liu H, Zhang L, Sun Y, Chen M, Yang Q, Yang H, Yang R, Zhang L, Wang Q, Liu H, Zuo F, Zhang H, Khor CC, Hibberd ML, Yang S, Liu J, Zhang X.Identification of two new loci at IL23R and RAB32 that influence susceptibility to leprosy. Nat Genet. 2011 Oct 23;43(12):1247-51.

Zhang FR, Huang W, Chen SM, Sun LD, Liu H, Li Y, Cui Y, Yan XX, Yang HT, Yang RD, Chu TS, Zhang C, Zhang L, Han JW, Yu GQ, Quan C, Yu YX, Zhang Z, Shi BQ, Zhang LH, Cheng H, Wang CY, Lin Y, Zheng HF, Fu XA, Zuo XB, Wang Q, Long H, Sun YP, Cheng YL, Tian HQ, Zhou FS, Liu HX, Lu WS, He SM, Du WL, Shen M, Jin QY, Wang Y, Low HQ, Erwin T, Yang NH, Li JY, Zhao X, Jiao YL, Mao LG, Yin G, Jiang ZX, Wang XD, Yu JP, Hu ZH, Gong CH, Liu YQ, Liu RY, Wang DM, Wei D, Liu JX, Cao WK, Cao HZ, Li YP, Yan WG, Wei SY, Wang KJ, Hibberd ML, Yang S, Zhang XJ, Liu JJ. Genomewide association study of leprosy. N Engl J Med. 2009 Dec 31;361(27):2609-18.

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    2023-05-19 侠胆医心 来自上海



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