
2008-08-31 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

修饰语同主语名词关系上要一致 当用1)动名词 (gerund), 2)分词短句 (participle),3)不定式短句 (infinitive) 作修饰语时, 修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语名词关系 上要一致. 科技杂志论文中有这种语法错误的情况较多. 严格来讲这只是种语法错误, 一般不影响对句子 的内容的理解, 所以很多作者不 太注意. 编辑和阅稿人有时也没有严格要求改正. 比


当用1)动名词 (gerund), 2)分词短句 (participle),3)不定式短句 (infinitive) 作修饰语时, 修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语名词关系 上要一致. 科技杂志论文中有这种语法错误的情况较多. 严格来讲这只是种语法错误, 一般不影响对句子 的内容的理解, 所以很多作者不 太注意.  编辑和阅稿人有时也没有严格要求改正. 比如下面就是 Nature 杂志2006年第439卷中的一个例子.

Using the enhancer GAL4/UAS expression system, short-term memory traces of aversive and appetitive olfactory conditioning have been assigned to output synapses of subsets of intrinsic neurons of the mushroom bodies.


After finishing the purification, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.

We or I 是动名词 finishing 形式上的主语, 同主句的主语 activity 不一致.

宜改为: After purification was finished, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.

或: After finishing the purification, we studied the activity of the isolated compound.

Treated with the new drug, the blood cholesterol levels of participants were lowered by an average of 30%.

宜改为: Treated with the new drug, participants showed an average of 30% decrease in their blood cholesterol levels.


The iron concentration was determined using the Fenton reaction method.

The iron concentration 同 using the Fenton reaction method 关系上不一致.

宜改为: The iron concentration was determined by the Fenton reaction method.

或:  We determined the iron concentration using the Fenton reaction method.

When measuring the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred.

宜改为: When the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is measured, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred.


To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, an expanded population of biking athletes was surveyed.

不定式短语的形式主语是 we or I , 同主句主语 population 不一致.

宜改为: To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, we surveyed an expanded population of biking athletes.

To confirm the diagnosis, blood test was ordered.

宜改为: To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor ordered blood test.

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    2008-09-01 zhangyxzsh



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同一般文学写作不同, 科学杂志的论文有一定的格式, 尽管不同杂志一般又有 自己的特殊要求, 但基本格式是一致的. 稿件的格式同印 出的论文有不同之处. 发表的论文在排版上要尽量紧凑,用的字号也小. 目的是用尽量少的空间, 从而降低印刷的费用. 稿件的文字要清楚, 行与行之间要留有手写修改文字的空 间. 稿件的文字一般用12号字, 行与行之间用double space.&nb


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以下两分实际案例,是专业英语修改的实例,可以看出其中有一篇,我们的编辑几乎进行了全面的重写,改动幅度非常大,改动后语句非常通顺,地道。 SCI论文知识点导航: 从审稿人角度看SCI和EI的文章的写作与投稿技巧 如何判断一个杂志有没有国际影响力? SCI论文编辑教你如何准备SCI论文和写作 SCI论文从入门到精通(第一版) 编辑谈投稿注意事项及正确对待审稿结果(英文P


对大多数科研人员来说,发表论文对专业发展非常重要,因为发表文章的数量和质量是世界上评价一个科学家的工作的共同指标. 同时,科学的发展也需要科学家以发表科研成果的方式来交流。 当今世界科学研究的事 实是90%以上的科技 杂志都以英语发表, 而较有 影响的杂志几乎全是英文. 科学家要想把自己的科研成果在国际上较大范围内介绍, 只有